How do I use the Bell Ringer feature?

Updated by Gayle McKee

  1. From your homepage, click Instructional Resources from the menu.
  2. Select your subject and grade level.
  1. Click on the Bell Ringer icon.
  1. Click New Bell Ringer.
  1. Select your domain and the standard you wish to use. Then click Load Questions at the bottom of the page.
  1. You will have five options to choose from, all based on your chosen standard. When you have decided on a question, click the Display Question button.

If you do not like any of the five options, click the start over link.
You can enter instructions for your students in the box to the left of the Options. This will display along with your Bell Ringer.
You can also choose to display the question in Spanish.
  1. The Bell Ringer you chose will open in projector mode. There is an option to select the answer you think is right and click the Check Answer button when you are ready to review the correct answer. Click Back to Bell Ringer to exit projector mode and choose a different question.
  1. You can save a Bell Ringer for easy access. Click Save Question to use again later.
  • Give your Bell Ringer a name, then click the Save button.
Consider naming the question according to the standard or unit, or perhaps use the current date if you’ll be reusing it later that day.
  1. Once you have a saved Bell Ringer, you will see the option to select a saved Bell Ringer question or create a new one. If you would like to use a saved Bell Ringer, search through the list or type part of the name to retrieve it quickly.
  2. At the bottom of the same page, you are also able to view the stats, leave feedback on the question, and add the question to your favorites.

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