How do elementary students complete Practice Tests in their Study Plan?

Updated by Rebecca Baker

  1. The student will navigate to My Study Plan and select a subject. The student can choose a Subject Test, which includes questions from every domain, or he can choose a Domain Practice Test, which consists of 20 questions from one domain.
To learn how to add other subjects to a student's Study Plan, click here.
  1. If the student chooses a Subject Test, he can choose to take a small, medium or large summative test.
  1. Once the student has selected the Practice Test, he will click "Begin."
  1. If a student does not complete the Practice Test they have started, all progress will be saved when they exit out of the Practice Test. The student can navigate back to the Practice Test they had started by clicking My Study Plan and the subject. The student will see an orange dot indicating a Practice Test is in progress. To resume a saved Practice Test, the student will click on Subject Test or Domain Practice Test to resume the session.
  1. The date and timestamp of their last session will appear on the saved test. Click on the test to resume.
  1. When a student has completed the Practice Test, they can view their results by clicking Graded Work on their student dashboard.
  1. The student can view the Practice Test with the date it was completed and their score.
  1. The student can then click View next to the Practice Test completed to see a detailed breakdown of their assessment and how they performed on individual questions.
After completing a Practice Test, students can follow the steps described above and reattempt the Practice Test in My Study Plan. A new set of questions will show in the Practice Test, as the questions are randomly selected from the Progress Learning database.
To learn about more pre-and post-test diagnostics Progress Learning has available, click here.

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