How do I submit a purchase order?

Updated by Gayle McKee

If you have generated a Purchase Order and are ready to submit for processing:

  1. Be sure to send us a valid Purchase Order for faster processing:

Must haves:

  • Purchase Order # (Requisitions without a PO# will not be accepted)
    • Total Dollar Amount
    • Bill to information

Nice to haves:

  • Reference a Quote Number 
    • This will give us all the information we need to accurately match your PO with the correct account as well as the products approved for purchase
  • Include Ship to Address - this helps us identify we are processing your Purchase Order on the correct account in our system if no Quote number is provided
  • Evidence PO has been through an approval process - Signature or digital approval
  • If District PO, include the name of the school or schools receiving the product
  1. Once you have verified you are submitting a valid Purchase Order, please email a PDF of your Purchase Order to or your sales representative (Account Executive or Customer Success Manager)
  • Billing Contacts - Invoicing
  1. All invoices are emailed electronically from - please follow up with your IT department to ensure emails from this address are not blocked or filtering into Spam/Junk
  • Please provide all Billing Contact Emails for a smooth billing process
  • We may have outdated billing contacts - retired, no longer with school/district
  • Providing proper Billing Contact Emails supports a smooth process for Accounts Payable departments and avoids loss of service due to outstanding invoices

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