How Can I Use Progress Learning for Summer School?
If you are planning to use Progress Learning as part of your summer school programming, we have a video and downloadable resource guides to help!
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Getting Started
What is Progress Learning?
Teacher Quick Start Guide
How do I log in and manage my teacher account?
How do I use the Resource Center?
How Do I Get Started with My Progress Learning Trial?
Training Options: Become an Expert!
How do I create a class?
What accommodations are available in Progress Learning?
Where can I find Quick Start Guides for Admins, Teachers and Students?
How do I start implementing Progress Learning day-to-day?
How do I introduce Progress Learning to my students?
How do I complete the setup of my Clever or Classlink classes?
Classroom Management Tools and Settings
Assessments versus Assignments- What is the difference?
Instructional Resources
Spring Activities With Progress Learning
What Instructional Resources are available in Progress Learning?
How do I use the Bell Ringer feature?
How can I use the Green Dot Challenge™ in my Classroom?
How do I message my students?
How do I access Class Activities?
What are SuperSheets?
Student Data Goal Setting Templates and Intervention Choice Boards
How do teachers and students access Videos?
How do I implement "My Valentine Buddy" with my class?
Beginning of the Year Student Instructional Activities
How do I use the "March Madness With Progress Learning" activity in my classroom?
How can I use Progress Learning for whole group instruction?
Do you have ACT/SAT practice tests?
What is the difference between the Galaxy Star Challenge and the Green Dot Challenge?
Implementation and Best Practices
K-12 Bulletin Boards and Alien Ranking Cards
What are the best practices for implementation?
How do I create Shortcuts?
How do I implement the program with K-1 students?
How can I prepare for end of year testing?
Progress Learning School Toggle
Where can I find family letters and resources?
How can I use Progress Learning for targeted tutoring in the classroom?
Where can I find a Progress Learning lesson planning template?
How do I encourage summer practice at home with Progress Learning?
How Can I Use Progress Learning for Summer School?
What is skills practice and how do I enable/disable for my students?
Classroom Game: Think or Swim
Class Center
How do I edit a class?
How do I archive, hide, or delete a class?
How do I add a co-teacher to my class?
How do I add subjects to or remove subjects from my class?
How do I lock/unlock the Game Arcade?
How do I add a student to my class?
How does a secondary student join a class?
How do I create an Assessment?
How do I assign state practice assessments?
How do I create a BOY (Beginning-of-year) assessment?
How do I use Live Monitoring?
How do I create a shared assessment and how can others find it?
How do I assign an assessment?
How do I reset a student's current score for an assessment?
How do I use the "replace question" feature?
What types of diagnostic tests are available in Progress Learning?
How do I share an assessment that has already been created?
How do I see teacher created assessment blueprints?
How do I add "My Authored Questions" to an assessment?
How do I organize my assessments?
What are assessment codes and how do I use them?
What functions are available in the "Action" column of Assessment Bank?
How do I change assessment settings?
How do I build a passage based test for ELA?
How do I use "Favorite" questions in Progress Learning?
How do I delete an assessment?
How do I delete, reset or clear an assigned Assessment?
How do I create a MOY (Middle of Year) or EOY (End of Year) assessment?
Assessment Results and Data
How do I assign quick-click remediation?
How do I see and use the Assessment Comparison Report?
Where can I find the standard code with the assessment export?
How do I find the results of a premium assessment or a state practice test?
How do I create an Assignment?
How do I enable multiple attempts on an assignment?
How do I assign and grade a Constructed Response question?
How do I assign a video lesson to my students?
How do I author my own Constructed Response question?
What is the school assignment bank and how do I use it?
How do I see if an assignment is past due?
How do I lock or unlock an assignment or premium assessment?
How do I add more students to an assignment?
How do I delete an assignment?
Can I preview the questions I assign in the Assignment Builder?
What resources are available for SAT and PSAT?
How does "retry missed items" work?
Where do I find Premium Assessments and how do I assign them?
Viewing and Grading an Assignment
How do secondary students access the Game Arcade?
How does a student view their graded work?
How can a teacher log in as a student?
How do my students log in?
How do students complete Independent Practice in Progress Learning?
How do students review their answer choices before submitting a test?
How do secondary students earn tokens in Progress Learning?
How do students earn Galaxy Stars in Progress Learning?
How do elementary students use the games in their practice?
How do students work on weak areas after completing activities?
How do I access a sample student view?
How do students complete Practice Tests in their Study Plan?
How do my students reattempt an assignment?
What are Focus Areas?
What is the Student Scavenger Hunt?
How do students navigate Progress Learning?
School Administrators
How do I create a teacher account?
School Administrators Quick Start Guide
How do I add or remove administrative rights for a user?
How do I add a single student?
How do I disable or lock an account?
How do I import students?
How does a school administrator impersonate a teacher?
How do I restore a deleted account?
How do I delete student accounts?
How do I import teachers?
How can an admin provide login information to teachers?
How do I promote students to the next grade level?
How do school admins create a shared assessment?
How do School Admins create a benchmark or diagnostic assessment?
How does an Administrator view assessment results?
Can I sequester certain questions in Progress Learning?
How do I view Teacher Usage?
Standards Alignment & Efficacy
McREL Efficacy Studies
Proven Results and Efficacy Studies
How do I Support Students with SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
Testimonials: What are teachers saying about Progress Learning?
How can Progress Learning be used to support Credit Recovery?
How can Progress Learning help me prepare for the Georgia Milestones?
How much time should students spend in Progress Learning or Liftoff?
How can Progress Learning Support the Science of Reading?
Mentoring + Teamwork = Success
How Can I Access the Progress Learning Blog?
How Progress Learning Supports Foundational Literacy
How do I help secondary students prepare for college readiness exams?
District Administrators
How do I convert a school assessment to a district assessment?
How do I create and view results for a district assessment?
Where can I find a Quick Start Guide for District Admins?
How do District Admins view Usage Reports by subject?
How do I see progress reports for my district?
How do I view the Session Activity Report for my district?
How do I add a District Admin user to our district account?
How can a District Administrator view results of Premium Assessments?
Technical Support
What recent features, enhancements, and fixes have been released in Progress Learning?
What will happen to last year's data over the summer?
Why is there a discrepancy between the student's score and my Teacher Grade Book?
What is the data management policy?
Setting up the Canvas Integration with Progress Learning - Canvas Admin
How do I add leading zeros in Excel?
What are the technical requirements for the program?
How do I submit feedback or suggestions?
What should I safelist for the Progress Learning Platform?
How do K-1 students use the auto-read-aloud feature on iPads?
How do I clear the cache & cookies in Chrome?
How do I setup Easy Access for Students on an iPad?
How does the Chat With Us feature work?
Subscription Information
How do I request a quote to renew or add to my subscription?
How do I submit a purchase order?
How can I pay with a credit card?
How do I view my subscriptions and renewal dates?
How can I request a trial for additional subjects?
How does a District Administrator request a trial?
How can I update Google Permissions for the Progress Learning App?
How do I add existing assignments to Google Classroom?
How do I give an assignment with Canvas?
How do I give an assignment with Google Classroom?
How to Integrate Progress Learning with Canvas
Summer Rostering FAQs
Clever & Classlink FAQs
How do I integrate Progress Learning with Google Classroom?
How do I introduce my students to Liftoff?
What is Liftoff?
How do my students get started with Liftoff?
What is the purpose of Liftoff Diagnostics?
How do I use reports for NWEA and Liftoff?
How does Liftoff integrate with NWEA MAP?
How does a school admin complete the NWEA mapping process?
Do I need to re-sync mid-year NWEA results with Liftoff?
How do I view student progress in Liftoff?
How do I sign up for Liftoff training?
How do I monitor student usage in Liftoff?
Where do I find Liftoff reports and what information will they provide?
What is the Liftoff Class Galaxy Summary Report?
How do students graduate from Liftoff?
How do I see how many galaxy stars my students have earned in Liftoff?
How do I see what my students have done in Liftoff?
How do students earn Galaxy Stars in Liftoff?
How do I assign accommodations in Liftoff?
Liftoff Student Data Trackers
What is the Liftoff Scavenger Hunt?
How do I enable Liftoff for students?
Progress Monitoring and Reporting
Where can I find a student data tracker?
TX House Bill 1416 (Previously HB 4545)
How does a teacher view assessment results?
Green Dot Challenge for all Leveled Learners
How do I access and use my teacher progress report?
How do I see alien rankings and galaxy stars for each of my students?
How do I print student progress reports?
How do I view diagnostic results?
How do I print assessment results?
How do I view the Assessments Results Report?
How do I view Quick Click Remediation assignments and results?
How do I find and use Item Analysis information?
Where do I view my students' session activity?
How do I view and use my gradebook?
How do I export results from the diagnostics?
How do I export results from the grade book?
How do I view usage by subject?
Where can I find the Student Report Card?
How is the student dot rank calculated?
How does Progress Learning support Tennessee House Bill 7004?
How do I view Class Results?
How do I see if students are active in the platform?
What kind of reports are available for administrators?
What types of reports are available for teachers?
What is Item Analysis Beta and how do I use it?
How do I watch previously recorded trainings and special topic webinars?
What are the Special Topic Webinars of the Month?
How to Become a Progress Learning Campus Facilitator
How do I become a Progress Learning Certified Teacher?
Accommodations and Accessibility
What accessibility tools are available for students?
How do students use the English/Spanish Toggle translation feature for practice?
How do I view questions in Spanish when building an assessment?
Available Question Types
All Categories > Implementation and Best Practices > How Can I Use Progress Learning for Summer School?
Gayle McKee
If you are planning to use Progress Learning as part of your summer school programming, we have a video and downloadable resource guides to help!
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