How do I see progress reports for my district?

Updated by Zoe McCullough

District Admins can generate district-wide progress reports. The progress reports use our color-coded dot rank system to make it easy to see how students are performing in each standard.

Follow these steps to generate district progress reports:

  1. From the District Admin Dashboard, click on the Reports icon in the left navigation menu.
  1. Under Progress Report, click on View Report.
  1. First, you must choose a subject area. You will have the option to filter by school, class, assessment tag, and date range. You can also choose which activities to include or exclude. To run a cumulative progress report, leave all of the boxes checked. Click Run Report.
Please note that the report may take a few seconds longer to load if there is a lot of student and teacher data to be pulled into the report.

  • District Dot Rank: On the District Dot Rank tab, you can see how your entire district is performing in each standard in real time using our color-coded dot rank system. You can also see for each standard how many questions have been answered and the percentage score. This report is also printable.

  • School Dot Rank: On the School Dot Rank tab, you can see how each school in your district is performing using the same color-coded dot rank system. The report is scrollable vertically to see more schools and horizontally to see more standards.

  • School Dot Rank (View By Count): You can change the view of the School Dot Rank tab to see how many green, yellow, and pink dots each school has earned so far.
To see progress reports for a specific school, class, or student, choose the appropriate filters at the top under School and Class. This will activate the Teacher Dot Rank and Student Dot Rank tabs. If no filters are used, those tabs will remain greyed out and you will see only the overall district-wide data.

  • Teacher Dot Rank: The Teacher Dot Rank tab displays mastery in each standard for each teacher. Click on the up arrow next to a teacher's name to view data for each class that he or she teaches.

  • Student Dot Rank: On the Student Dot Rank tab,  you can see how each student is performing in each standard. Click on a student's name to view their individual progress report which is displayed in a printer-friendly document or use the Print feature to print progress reports for several students at once.

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