How do I implement the program with K-1 students?

Updated by Mackenzie Maddox

Implementing a new program with K-1 students can be challenging, but we are here to help make it easier by providing some best practice suggestions.

Implementation and Best Practices for K-1 Webinar:


First, introduce the program to your students. You can use the video below, or you may choose to model how to use the program for your students by using our Sample Student View Feature; this feature can be found under the "School Center" by clicking on "Student View."

These student introduction videos were recorded to help teachers show their students the program. This is helpful so that students can become familiar with the program, know where to go, and what they are working on in the platform.

Sign in

Practice how to log into the platform with your students. If your school is rostered with Classlink or Clever, walk your students through the process of navigating the portal and finding the "Progress Learning" logo to click on.


We suggest modeling how to use the program with your kindergarten and 1st-grade students in a whole group setting. You can log in as a sample student, with your screen displayed for the class, and have that student come up and "be the teacher." The student will practice where to click on the screen, and you can include the whole class as a part of the review. Rotate through students, with one or two each day, until all students remember where to click and how to use the program. Once your students have mastered how to navigate the program, they can log in to their individual devices and begin practicing independently. 

Involve Parents

Progress Learning is perfect for use in the classroom or at home. Progress Learning can be accessed anywhere there is an internet connection and on any device. Get the most out of Progress Learning by communicating its benefits to your parents. Check out this article: Family Resources.

Independent Practice

Also, check out our article: How does a K-1 student complete independent practice?

Additional Resources

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