How Do I Get Started with My Progress Learning Trial?

Updated by Rebecca Baker

This guide assists you with utilizing your Progress Learning Trial.

Getting Started - Set up
  1. Log in using the credentials provided to you by Progress Learning.
  2. Upload your students using these instructions. Enable Liftoff for all of your students using these instructions.
  3. Create additional teacher accounts using these instructions.
  4. Create your classes using these instructions.
Trial Checklist
  1. Create and assign an assessment using these instructions.
  2. Create a diagnostic assessment using these instructions.
  3. Create a group assignment using these instructions.
  4. After your students complete an assessment, use these instructions to view the results.
  5. After your students complete an assessment/assignment, click on Reports from the menu to view progress. You can also find your gradebook in Class Center.
  6. Create your first Bellringer using these instructions.
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