Classroom Game: Think or Swim

Updated by Gayle McKee

Are you ready to play our new projector-based game, Think or Swim? This exciting game is a great way to review and remediate instruction, get students actively involved in their learning, and promote friendly competition in your class.

Think or Swim is now available on your Dashboard:

Think or Swim is a quiz-show-style game that is best played on a screen in your classroom, with you as the host. Here’s how it works:

  1. Launch the Game: Click on “Classroom Game” on the left side of your teacher dashboard, choose Think or Swim, then click Create Session.
  2. Name your Session and Teams: Give your session a title and divide your teams into groups of 3-5. Team names are automatically generated, or you may choose your own!
  3. Choose Your Standards: Select a subject and choose between 2-5 standards for the session. Each standard includes 5 questions. All questions are fully aligned with your state standards.
  4. Enable or disable mini-breaks: Reef Recess is a random, mini-break challenge that allow teams to perform engaging activities for a chance to earn additional points.
  5. Gameplay: Teams take turns selecting a shell to reveal a question and earn points. All teams write their answers and hold them up when you call time. Reveal the correct answer and award points to the teams that answered correctly.
  6. Winning the Game: The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner, AKA the “biggest fish in the sea”!

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