How do students complete Independent Practice in Progress Learning?

Updated by Gayle McKee

There are several ways that students can complete work independently in Progress Learning. Assignments, Graded Work and the student Study Plan all allow opportunites for independent practice. Let's take a look.


Students can work independently on Assignments that teachers create. These can be found in the Assignments tab on the student dashboard.

  • ECE (K-1) Assignments
  • Elementary (2-5) Assignments

Secondary (6-12) Assignments

Graded Work

Students are able to view their graded work from the Graded Work tab on the student dashboard. This will allow them to see what standards they need work on, which questions they missed on the assignment and video explanations to help them understand why they got the answer wrong.

  • ECE (K-1) Graded Work
  • Elementary (2-5) Graded Work
  • Secondary (6-12) Graded Work

Study Plan

The student study plan is broken down by subject area. Each subject has all domains and standards delineated so that students can see their progress standard by standard. There is also a Focus Area tab at the top of the student study plan that will indicate the student's weakest areas that are approaching mastery and where they have a critical need for study.

  • ECE (K-1) Study Plan
Elementary (2-5) Study Plan and Focus Areas
  • Secondary (6-12) Study Plan and Focus Areas

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