How do I assign District, School and Class assessments?

Updated by Gayle McKee

Assigning District, School and Class Assessments from the Assessment Bank

  1. From the teacher dashboard select Assessment/Assignment Center.
  2. Click Assessment Bank from the Assessments section.
  3. Click on the icon in the Assign column to send the assessment to a class or individual students.

If you need to assign this assessment to more students after it has already been assigned, this is where you can complete this action.

  1. Click the class or individual student checkboxes to assign the assessment. You may also add individual accommodations for this assessment here. Then click Save and Continue.
  1. Then assign any notes for the assessment. select your start and due date, and click Save Assignment.
  1. Select your Start Date and Due Date. Select to Add to School Bank, and to Release item details after due date if you would like. You may also adjust the Number of attempts or set a Minimum Score Requirement. You may also choose to Allow Students to Retry Missed Items. Once you have all of your settings in place select Save Assignment.

Assigning District, School and Class Assessments from the Assignment Builder

  1. From the teacher dashboard select Assessment/Assignment Center.
  2. Select the Assignment Builder
  3. Give your Assignment a name and choose a Subject. The content will automatically load. From the Full Assessment Bank, find the assessment you would like to assign and tick the box next to it. Click Save and Continue.
  4. Assign to a class or classes. Click Save and Continue.
  5. Provide optional notes with your assignment. Add text or a video message to include additional instructions or comments. Click Save and Continue.
  6. Set the Start Date and Due Date. Review the settings, including multiple attempts or retry missed items. Click Save Assignment.
Click here to learn how to assign an Assessment using an Assessment Code
If you have not created an assessment to assign to your students, click here to learn how to create an assessment and assign to your class.

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