What is Liftoff?

Updated by Rhonda McNamara

Which students should I put in Liftoff?

Liftoff is our adaptive intervention program for students in grades 2-8.  The program is specifically geared toward Tier 2 and Tier 3 students who are currently far below grade level in reading and math.  Through Liftoff, students receive targeted skills-based instruction in their demonstrated areas of weakness in a fun and interactive outer-space-themed interface. 

What will my students do in Liftoff?

All students begin by taking the Liftoff diagnostics that are built into the program.  The diagnostics do not have to be taken all at once.  Students can take them one at a time to get started.  The completed diagnostics automatically place the students in their appropriate “galaxies” or levels.  Liftoff also integrates with NWEA MAP.  Therefore, schools that use NWEA MAP testing can use those results in lieu of the pre-built Liftoff diagnostics. Once a diagnostic is completed, students can begin working in their galaxies.  The student’s goal is to “level up” in their weakest areas by answering as many practice questions as they can correctly to move their rockets to the highest galaxy.  Their efforts are rewarded along the way with incentives such as earning access to games, earning galaxy stars, and alien ranking cards.

Teachers must enable Liftoff for their students in order for them to have access. Please see our Help Article, "How do I enable Liftoff for students?" for instructions. 
If your school would like to integrate Liftoff with NWEA Map, please see our Help Article, "How does Liftoff integrate with NWEA MAP?"

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