What types of Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs) are available?

Updated by Gayle McKee

What types of Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs) do we offer?

  • Match Table Grid
  • Drag & Drop
  • Inline Text Entry (NEW)
  • Inline Choice
  • Label Image with Drag & Drop
  • Label Image with Inline Choice
  • Label Image with Text  (NEW)
  • Classification
  • Match List
  • Order List (NEW)
  • Constructed Response
  • Text Entry
  • Drawing
  • Shading (NEW)
  • Hot Text
  • Hotspot
  • Math Constructed Response
  • Equation Editor
  • Label Image with Math (NEW)
  • Graphing - Four Quadrant
  • Graphing - First Quadrant (NEW)
  • Number Line - Plot (NEW)
  • Number Line - Drag and Drop (NEW)
  • Bar Graph
  • Line Graph (NEW)
  • Histogram (NEW)
  • Dot Plot (NEW)
  • Line Plot (NEW)
  • Chemistry Formula (NEW)
  • Chemistry Text Input (NEW)
  • Chemistry Constructed Response
  • Label Image with Chemistry (NEW)

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