How do I delete, reset or clear an assigned Assessment?

Updated by Sharon Valeris

If you assigned one of our pre-built diagnostic assessments to students and would like to go back and delete that assignment, you can! The following directions can be used to delete any assignment including the Pre-built Diagnostic Tests.

Deleting an assignment after students have worked on it will also delete the student data for all students who've completed that assignment thus far. In some instances, a teacher may prefer to clear a saved assignment or reset an assignment for certain students rather than deleting it for everyone. Scroll down for instructions on how to clear or reset an assignment.

How To Delete an Assigned Assessment:

Deleting an assignment deletes it entirely. It will be deleted from the teacher's assignment list and from the students it was assigned to. *Once deleted, this cannot be undone.
  1. On your main teacher dashboard, click on the Assessment/Assignment Center icon in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.

  1. Click on the Assignment Bank link in the center Assignment box.

  1. Find the assessment that you would like to delete from the list and check the box next to it. Then, click the Delete button. The assignment will no longer appear in your list and it will also be removed from the student's Assignments view.

  1. A confirmation pop-up box will appear on the screen. Type the word Delete in the text box and click Confirm.

How to Reset an Assigned Assessment:

Resetting an assignment allows students to start fresh. It deletes the data for the student(s) selected and it will be as if they've never started it. **Once you reset a student's assignment, this cannot be undone.

  1. On your main teacher dashboard, click on the Assessment/Assignment Center icon in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.

  1. Click on the Assignment Bank link in the center Assignment box.

  1. Find the desired assignment in the list and click on the Settings Gear.

In the Edit Assignment Settings pop-up window, scroll down to find the correct class.

Click on the plus sign next to the class to expand the menu and see the list of students.

In the Reset Attempt Counter column, check the box next to the name of the student that needs their assignment to be reset.

Click Save Assignment.

How to Clear a Saved Assignment:

Use this feature when you want to "unassign" (remove an assignment) from a student or group of students without deleting the assignment or affecting other students.

Follow the steps listed above and once you get to the Edit Assignment Settings pop-up window, in the Clear Saved Assignment column, check the box next to the name of the student that needs their assignment cleared. Click Save Assignment.

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