How is the student dot rank calculated?

Updated by Rhonda McNamara

Results Report

To access the Results Report, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Assessment/Assignment Center
  1. Click Assignment Bank
  2. Find the results of the assignment that you want to review and click on the hyperlinked number in the Results column.
  3. The Student Dot Rank tab provides each student’s average score in every standard on this assignment or assessment.

Progress Report

In order for a dot rank color to populate on the Progress Report, two questions must be answered.

Access the Progress Report from the Reports menu on the main dashboard or by clicking the Progress Report Icon next to a class in Class Management.

Accessing the Progress Report from the Class Management screen view

The dot rank on the School Tab (For School Admins) represents the school average for each domain and standard. 

The dot rank on the Class Tab (For Teachers) represents the class average for each domain and standard.

The dot rank on the Students Tab represents individual student averages on each domain and standard.

  • Why do I have a colorful dot in a domain, but grey dots in every standard on my class dot rank? Remember, a dot rank color will populate if just two questions are answered in that category. If one question is answered in two separate standards, then the standard dot would remain grey, but the domain color would show an average of the two answered question

  • Why do I have a colorful dot as my class average for a standard, while all of my students have grey dots? Remember, a dot rank color will populate if just two questions are answered in that category. If two students each answer one question in that standard, then the class average will show as a color, while the individual student data will be grey.

6th-12th Grade Student Study Plan

In order for a dot rank color to populate on the Progress Report, two questions must be answered.

A student's dot rank is a standard by standard based culmination of all work that a student has completed for assessments, practice tests, practice questions, videos and diagnostics. It is all inclusive.

A student's dot rank can change due to the fact that the student is always completing work in the platform. If a student has a lower dot ranking, but successfully completes videos and practice questions in his/her study plan, or performs successfully on that standard in an assessment/assignment that you have created, their dot rank will rise.

Likewise, if a student currently displays mastery of a standard, but starts to do poorly on assignments or assessments where that standard is addressed, their dot rank could fall.

K-12th Grade Student Progress Report 

In order for a dot rank color to populate on the Progress Report, two questions must be answered.

While viewing the "Progress Report" you can choose to see a cumulative dot rank calculated from all work that has been completed in the platform by selecting both the Assessments/Assignments box and the Study Plan Practice boxes from the "Sources" menu. You may also change the date range.

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