How do I add a student to my class?

Updated by Rhonda McNamara

If your school or district is rostered via Clever or Classlink and you do not see a student in your class, please contact your school/district data admin to confirm the student has been rostered to your class properly in your Student Information System. Student accounts will be updated automatically via a nightly sync between Clever/Classlink and Progress Learning.

Option 1: Add students from the teacher dashboard

  1. Starting from Home, open the class that you want to add to.
  2. Click Add Students.
  3. Click the box next to the student you are adding and click Add Students.

Option 2: Add students from Class Management

  1. In your teacher dashboard, click on Class Center, then select Class Management.
  1. You will then select one of your classes.
  1. Select the class option, Student, and then Add Student.
  1. Click the box next to the student you are adding and click Add Students.

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