Do I need to re-sync mid-year NWEA results with Liftoff?

Updated by Gayle McKee

To help you make an informed decision about syncing mid-year NWEA results, please read the following in its entirety:

Re-syncing mid-year NWEA results with Liftoff is optional, and is not done automatically. There are some very important things to know and consider before performing a mid-year sync. Re-syncing mid-year will overwrite any previous scores. That could result in a change in student rocket placement, number of Galaxy Stars earned, and Alien Rankings. Please be sure to read our help article below before syncing your mid-year scores.

Re-syncing mid-year will shift student rocket placement. Their rockets may move up or down in certain areas depending on their new RIT scores. Some students may even see their rockets suddenly move to the top galaxy and will no longer have any additional practice to complete in Liftoff. Conversely, some students may see their rockets go down, which could be discouraging.
The shifting of rockets also may affect the number of galaxy stars earned. The hope is that the students actually perform better during their mid-year NWEA testing and will be rewarded with more stars than they had before the resync, but in the case of a student that may have experienced learning loss or regression, there is a potential for the student to lose galaxy stars. If the number of Galaxy Stars earned is affected, then the student Alien Ranking may also change.

Since re-syncing does result in the shifting of the student's rockets, some schools may prefer to not re-sync mid-year and continue to allow students to work through their Liftoff Galaxies.

For schools that would like to re-sync their NWEA scores mid-year, please see our original help article below for more information. Admins can also contact our Technical Support Team for help by sending an email to

To sync MOY new or blank student scores only please follow the directions below:

  1. Navigate to School Center and choose NWEA Mapping in the School Level Administrator account
  2. Click View
  3. Find any students who do not have a BOY score (blank) in the Term column and check the box to the left of their name
  4. Click Sync Selected Students
If you are only syncing new student scores at MOY- DO NOT USE the Sync All Pages option as this will resync scores for all students and can alter their progress in Liftoff. This action cannot be reversed.

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