How do I find and use Item Analysis?

Updated by Rhonda McNamara

  1. Click on the Assessment/Assignment Center.
  1. Click on Assignment Bank under the Assignments section.
  2. Locate the list of your assignments, and click on the Results next to the assignment you want to view.
  1. Your results will load for the assignment, and you will click on the Item Analysis tab.
  2. Here you can view individual results for your class on the assignment or assessment. Each question is hyperlinked to click on and view the specific question details. You can also view, under each question number, the class average on how the class answered on individual questions.
We have added new identifiers within the Item Analysis:
P = Partially Correct
- = Question was not answered

  1. You can collapse the student results list to maintain confidentiality by clicking Results, and then review with your class on the projector by clicking on questions the class performed low on to review.
You can also view Item Analysis from your gradebook. To learn more about your gradebook report, click here.

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