What types of reports are available in Progress Learning?

Updated by Rhonda McNamara

Here is a list of all of the reports that are currently available in Progress Learning, with instructions on how to access them and what data teachers and school administrators can see.

Progress Report

  • Where to find it? There are two ways to access a Progress Report:
    • From the Teacher Dashboard or from the Class Management screen, click on the Progress Report icon for that class.
    • Click on "Reports" in the side navigation menu and then click on "Progress Report."
    • Select the subject and any additional desired filters.
  • What data is displayed? See how students are progressing in a specific subject area in real-time with the color-coded dot rank system. The cumulative data is broken down by Standard, and the report can be filtered by class, date range, and by source. View class averages or student averages by navigating between the "Class Dot Rank Tab" and the "Student Dot Rank Tab". Click on a student's name to pull an individual student progress report. **Admins can see school-wide progress reports by teacher and class.
  • Exportable or Printable? Printable

Student Report Card

  • Where to find it? There are two ways to access the Student Report Card:
    • From the Teacher Dashboard or from the Class Management screen, click on the Gradebook for that class. You can find the Student Report Card by clicking on a student's name.
    • Click on "Reports" in the side navigation menu and then click on "Student Report Card."
    • Select the subject and any additional desired filters.
  • What data is displayed?
    • The report allows you to analyze student results over time by subject. The graph is interactive. Click on the subject in the key at the top to hide or unhide that subject.
  • Exportable or Printable? Printable

Gradebook Report

  • Where to find it? There are two ways to access your Gradebook:
    • From the Teacher Dashboard or from the Class Management screen, click on the Gradebook icon for that class.
    • Click on "Reports" in the side navigation menu and then click on the "Gradebook" report.
  • What data is displayed? In the first tab, track results for assessments and assignments in a grade book style view. Class Results is an all-inclusive view of all of the activities completed by the students in your class. It will show all results; even if there are multiple attempts for a single student, you can view each individual attempt. Based on the subjects associated with the class, this will show all results for both assigned activities and independent practice for each student in the class.
    • Teachers can also view the individual activities completed by students within Liftoff, including scores and details.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

Galaxy Star Report (*K-5 Only)

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on "Galaxy Star Report."
  3. Select the subject, class, date range, and any additional desired filters and click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? See how many Galaxy Stars students in Grades K-5 have earned on Progress Learning per selected subject and overall in all subjects.
    • Teachers can also see a student's current Alien Ranking and download a certificate to reward students for improving their ranking. **This report does not include Galaxy Stars earned in Liftoff.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable, and the Student Certificates are printable.

Session Activity Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on "Session Activity Report."
  3. Select any desired filters and click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? Teachers can see the overall usage for each student at a glance. Click on the  symbol next to a student's name to see more detailed information. Teachers can track the subject, standard, activity type, date, time spent, number of questions answered, and the number of questions correct for every session. In the "class" column, assigned activities are labeled with the specific class name. If the "class" column is blank, that activity was done independently in the study plan, and is not associated with a class.
  • Exportable or Printable? Export the Student Summary and/or the Activity Details

Assessment Comparison Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Assessment Comparison Report."
  3. Select a subject and choose the two assessments to be compared and click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? The assessment results of both assessments will be shown side by side for each student. You can click on the "View" button next to any student and see a comparison report for a single student. The single-student view has an easy-to-read bar graph format that shows growth over time for each domain and standard.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

Student Diagnostic Strengths and Weaknesses (Texas teachers only)

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on "Student Diagnostic Strengths and Weaknesses."
  3. Select the class, student, and subject and click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? When students complete a Progress Learning diagnostic pre-test or post-test, teachers can see an individual student's overall score and a list of their demonstrated strengths and weaknesses. ** The Pre-made diagnostic pre and post tests are only available in Texas in certain subject areas and grade levels.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable and Printable.
For more information about how to assign these diagnostic pre and post tests, click here.

Liftoff Diagnostic Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Liftoff Diagnostic Report."
  3. Select the class, the desired Liftoff subject area, and the domain (admins can also choose to view by grade level).
  4. Click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? This report shows how students performed on the Liftoff Diagnostic assessments. Teachers can see the number of questions answered, the student's overall score, and their starting grade level equivalent.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

Liftoff Individual Diagnostic Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Liftoff Individual Diagnostic Report."
  3. Select the class, the individual student, Liftoff subject area, and choose to see all topics or hide mastered topics.
  4. Click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? See how an individual student performed on a specific Liftoff Diagnostic assessment. The report shows the Galaxy levels (grade levels) and which specific topics have been mastered. This is the same report that students are able to see in their own accounts.
  • Exportable or Printable? Printable

Liftoff Detail Growth Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Liftoff Detail Growth Report."
  3. Select the Liftoff subject area and then select a grade level and/or a class.
  4. Click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? This report tracks the performance of a student, including the starting level based on the diagnostic/NWEA result to the current level achieved through practice by a student for each domain of a subject.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

Liftoff Class Galaxy Summary Report

  • Where to find it?

1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.

2. Click on the "Liftoff Class Galaxy Summary Report."

3. Select a class, and then select a Liftoff subject area (admins can also choose to view by grade level).

4. Click "Run Report."

  • What data is displayed? See an overview of each galaxy level (grade level) that every student is currently working in. This report is helpful for ability grouping per domain.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

Liftoff Galaxy Star Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Liftoff Galaxy Star Report."
  3. Select a Liftoff subject area and class. You can also choose to filter by grade level, alien ranking, and by date range.
  4. Click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? See how many Galaxy Stars each student in your class has earned in a specific Liftoff subject area and overall in Liftoff. Teachers can also see a student's current Alien Ranking and generate a certificate to reward their achievement.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable and Printable. (You can also print the certificates.)

Liftoff Usage Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Liftoff Usage Report."
  3. Choose a Liftoff subject area and set the date range (Admins can choose to view data by either class or grade level).
  4. Click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? Track the overall time spent practicing in Liftoff and the number of questions that have been answered. You can view this data by grade or by class for the school. You can also filter down to see the same info for a single student by clicking on the hyperlinked grade levels and classes.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

Liftoff Activity Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Liftoff Activity Report".
  3. You have the option to filter the report by subject, class, grade level, student, activity, or by date range.
  4. Select the desired filters and click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? See detailed information about what students have worked on in Liftoff during each session they worked on. You can see the date completed, the time spent, the activity completed, and the score. You can also click on "View" to see the actual questions and the student's score report.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

Usage Report by Subject

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Usage Report by Subject."
  3. You have the option to filter the report by subject.
  4. Click "Run Report" to see the overall usage by subject.
  • What data is displayed?

See which subjects are being used the most down to the least in your school.

Use the radio buttons to switch between the different types of data. You can choose to view the number of activities, total time, or total number of questions answered on assignments, assessments, and in the student plan.

  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable and Printable.

Student Activity Search Report *admins only

  • Where to find it?
  1. Go to "Reports" in the side navigation menu.
  2. Click on the "Student Activity Search Report."
  3. The report can be filtered by subject, class, teacher, student, activity, and/or the date range.
  4. Select any desired filters and click "Run Report."
  • What data is displayed? Design your own report by creating a customized activity report using a combination of available filters. Can see students' scores on each activity, and you can use the "view" button to see the actual questions answered.
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

Results Report(Assessment View)

  • Where to find it?
  1. Navigate to the Assessment/Assignment Center.
  2. Click on "Assessment Bank."
  3. Click on the number listed in the results column.
  • What data is displayed? If there are multiple attempts, the "Student Dot Rank" tab will show the average score.
Results Report, when accessed via the assessment bank, displays the average score. Results Report, when accessed via the assignment bank, displays the highest score attempt.
  • Exportable or Printable? The data on the Student Dot Rank and Student Details tabs are exportable. For Admins, the data on the School Dot Rank tab is also exportable.

Results Report(Assignment View)

  • Where to find it?
  1. Navigate to the Assessment/Assignment Center.
  2. Click on "Assignment Bank."
  3. Click on the number listed in the results column.
  • What data is displayed? If there are multiple attempts, the Student Dot Rank tab will show the best attempt. This matches the data displayed in the grade book. Each student's name is hyperlinked to view more detail on their best attempt.
Results Report, when accessed via the assessment bank, displays the average score. Results Report, when accessed via the assignment bank, displays the highest score attempt.
  • Exportable or Printable? The Student Dot Rank tab and the Student Details tab are exportable. The Assignment Mastery tab is printable

Export Assessment Results Report

  • Where to find it?
  1. Navigate to the Assessment/Assignment Center.
  2. Click on "Assessment Bank."
  3. Click on the "Action" icon.
  4. Select Export Results.
  • What data is displayed? This will show all attempts by students on the assessment with a breakdown by overall score, domain, and standard. If there are multiple attempts for a single student, you can view each individual attempt. 
  • Exportable or Printable? Exportable

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