Where do I find my USATestPrep assessments in Progress Learning?

Updated by Rebecca Baker

All USATestprep Assessments and My Authored Questions created before July 15th of 2022 have been moved over to Progress Learning. The purpose of the USATestprep vault is to view old data, and access some features that are not yet available in Progress Learning, like printable vocabulary resources. Please note: Only Assessments and My Authored Questions were migrated over from your USATestprep account into your Progress Learning account.

Current USATestprep users will have the option to select to view their USATestprep Vault from their homepage for 1 school year after switching to Progress Learning. When you click on your USATestprep Vault from your Progress Learning dashboard, a new window will open in a new tab. You will then be presented with a home screen based on your user profile.

Step 1: Click "Access USATestprep Vault" on the left-hand side of your teacher dashboard.

Step 2: Click "Ok."

Step 3: View old data from USATestprep Vault.

The purpose of the USATestprep vault is to view old data, and access some features that are not yet available in Progress Learning, like printable vocabulary resources.

How to access USATestprep assessments in your Progress Learning assessment bank:

Step 4: Navigate back to your Progress Learning teacher dashboard, and click "Assessment/Assignment Center," then click "My Assessments" under the "Assessments" section.

Click the "Full Assessment Bank" radio button and then "Filter."

Step 5: Click on the "Create Date" column to order the assessment dates from oldest to most recently created. The older assessment dates will show at the top of listed assessments and show your USATestprep assessments that were migrated over to Progress Learning.

As part of our standard summer development and clean-up, we audit standards alignment and make changes to our question banks in order to continuously improve the product. Because of this, there may be some items on your assessments that were removed during our summer audits. This process is not unique to the 22-23 school year or the Progress Learning transition. It is part of our ongoing work each year to enhance and improve the products we offer to our customers. We always recommend previewing assessments and making any necessary edits at the beginning of the school year before assigning them to students.

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